Meet Popeye the White Dog

Date: 02/04/2017 Thursday May 2017

" Omg I got my first dog! Look how he's elegantly running through the grass. Sucks to those who has never had a puppy before. I finally decided a name for her ... 'Popeye the White dog' because it's a white dog. "

A trip I wouldn't miss!

Date: 19/09/2018 Tuesday Sunday 2018

Yo you guys are missing out! I've invited a bunch of people to go on an adventure around but no one came... but it doesn't matter, I've somehow landed at some sort of Himalayas looking place.

I'm on a new squirrel's diet and it's NUTS!

Date: 05/05/2019 Tuesday May 2020

You would not believe this story. I was walking around minding my own business until a squirrel attacked me. I was so shocked on how fast it moved, so I just booked it and ran the opposite direction. But anyways here's a picture of food.

Lago di Braies, the beautiful lake

Date: 01/17/2020 Tuesday Sunday 2018

What an amazing trip! First of all, I have no idea how I got here. A little spontaneous moment later, and here I am. Northern Italy. This lake though, UNBELIEVABLE! That turquoise water, and beautiful scenery. A trip worth saving for.

New phone, who dis?

Date: 05/22/2020 Tuesday May 2020

Oops, I did it again. I got 2 phones, one for my mum and one for my hoes. Just joking, just got a new card game. With the funniest text message threads, you can play 100% offline with your friends.